Thank you for your interest in participating in the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este.
We wish to inform you that registration for the 2025 edition is now closed.
Should you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Art. 1
BMW AG organises the “Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este” International Concours d’Élégance at Villa d’Este in close cooperation with Villa d’Este S. p. A.
Art. 2
Within the framework of the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este and, therefore, on the same dates, in the same locations and with the same programme, a section of the competition is set up for Concept Cars & Prototypes competing for the “Concorso d’Eleganza Design Award for Concept Cars & Prototypes”. The Organising Committee may limit the number of cars entered in this section.
Art. 3
Entries may be submitted by car manufacturers (excluding marques of the BMW Group), coachbuilders, design studios or individuals, with the sole restriction of one car per entrant.
Art. 4
The definition of “Concept Cars & Prototypes” is as follows: unique and drivable models that may be partly fitted with structural or mechanical parts derived from mass production. The body and interior should be a one-off production (up to a limited production of max. 15 units) and must be completed. The Concorso d’ Eleganza Villa d’Este is to be staged in Cernobbio as detailed in the full programme supplied to entrants.
Art. 5
The Organising Committee will only admit “Concept Cars & Prototypes” that have first been officially presented to the public after 1st January 2023.
Art. 6
Cars entered under this section’s regulations will participate in all parts of the programme at Villa d’Este.
Art. 7
Decals, sign-writing, sponsors’ logos or race numbers are not allowed. Exceptions can be made for signage which was on the car at the very first official presentation.
Art. 8
The “Concorso d’Eleganza Design Award for Concept Cars & Prototypes” trophy will be awarded to the car voted in a secret ballot on Sunday. The entrants of the “Historic Cars” section may also take part in the ballot. In the relevant year, the trophy winner may advertise his / her “Concorso d’Eleganza Design Award” on company stationery. The Organising Committee reserves the right to add additional prizes before the event.
Art. 9
Entries must be submitted using the appropriate form together with all necessary documents – including a side view and a three-quarter front view photo as well as 3 other detailed pictures of your choice and a rendering of the car. The invoices will be issued by BMW AG and must be paid immediately on receipt by bank transfer or credit card. No refund is possible after confirmation. According to the Terms and Conditions, a withdrawal of the registration is possible. Instead of a participation fee a cancellation fee will apply. Please check the Terms and Conditions for detailed information. The entrant is responsible for his / her own travel and cancellation insurance.
Art. 10
With regard to hotel accommodation and meals, entrants may choose between packages A or B, both calculated for a team of maximum two persons. These packages do not include the fee for the exhibition area, hotel extras, bar expenses, special requests for upgrading and, in general, any expense not mentioned in the above packages.
Art. 11
The Organising Committee reserves the inalienable right to select entries. Rejected applications shall be notified as soon as possible. Given that the event is by invitation only, the Organising Committee will normally not accept substitutes for the cars or for the teams entered. Any request for substitution must be explicitly and formally approved up to six weeks before the start of the event.
Art. 12
Entrants and all other participants take part in the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este at their own risk. BMW AG, however, shall be liable for personal injury or death caused as a result of wilful intent or negligence on the part of BMW AG, its directors, corporate officers or agents. For any other loss or damage, BMW AG shall be liable only to the degree that such loss or damage has been caused as a result of wilful intent or gross negligence on the part of BMW AG, its directors, corporate officers or agents. This liability clause shall apply accordingly in favour of Villa d’Este S. p. A., its directors, corporate officers or agents.
Art. 13
These regulations shall be governed by German law. Exclusive jurisdiction for all disputes arising out of or in connection with these regulations or the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Estes shall be in the Courts of Munich, Germany.